On Friday at 5pm UK time, WWE will host The Greatest Royal Rumble in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This event is part of a ten year plan and it has created some criticism.
The event is part of Saudi 2030, an initiative started by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. The plan is to reduce the country's dependence and to diversify its economy. It's an extremely ambitious programme in a country that is known for its oppression of women. Up until recently, women were not allowed to drive or vote, and they could only be accompanied by a male guardian.
The criticism towards WWE has been that there will be no women involved in the event. I'm not sure if that involves people such as Renee Young but it represents a backward step for me. WWE have really developed their Women's Division in recent years and it feels like a slap in the face to them. Triple H has defended it, stating that he hoped the WWE can be a catalyst for change, citing the match between Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss in the United Arab Emirates as an example. In the match, they wore clothing that covered their body, in accordance with Muslim tradition. Things like that are great but Saudi Arabia is more oppressive. Only in the last few years has women been allowed to vote and to run for public office. In June 2018, women will be allowed to drive and there will be women at the event, although they have to be accompanied by a male guardian. WWE will obviously show countless shots of women in the audience and one can argue that they are promoting propaganda.
I share Triple H's desire for the WWE to be a catalyst for change. However, I don't think they are as influential as he believes them to be. Despite my misgivings about it, I will still watch the show. Part of me feels like this makes me a hypocrite. However, this is a history making event and I would like to see that.
Triple H has stated that they hope to have women's matches in a few years in Saudi Arabia. If that does actually happen, then I think it will be worth it. The problem is WWE will be getting a lot of money to host this event and at the minute, it seems like the money is more important right now than equality.
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